Contoh-contoh teks report III


Contoh-contoh teks report III

1). Diet
     When people talk about “going on a diet”, they usually mean they are trying to limit the amount and type of food that they eat, in order to become thinner. Nevertheless, diet actually refers to sensible nutrition for a variety of purposes – to gain, as well as to lose weight. A diet can also be done as part of medicinal procedures, for example, too counteract summer heat or winter cold and treat someone who suffers from stomach troubles.

2). Robots
          Robot comes from the Czech word ‘robota’ which means ‘work’ or ‘labor’. A robot is a machine that does the work of a human being.
          Robots are used to perform repetitive tasks which require precision. For example, they are used to manufacture cars. In the future, robots might be used perform surgical operations on people. A computer could direct the prosedure with great precision while human surgeons could check the progress of the operation on large video screens.
          Robots may soon become useful for doing unpopular household chores like sweeping and mopping. Robotd could also be used to do jobs which are unsafe for humans, like cleaning the site of a nuclear accident.

3). The Flying Doctors
          There are some countries in the world with vast, desolate areas which it is hard for any doctors to reach a patient in need of urgent medical help. In Kenya, for example, a prson could be near to death because of a snakebite whilst crossing the Kenya National Park. The distance is so vast that the victim would probably not be alive by the time he reached hospita. And so, the Fliying Doctors service would come into being. The servise is called by radio – a person just calls, says what has happened and where the patient is, and the doctors flies in as soon as possible
          Countries such as Australia and Canada make widespread use of the Flying Doctors Services to provide medical cover to those remote aeas where conventional surface transprt might take many more hours or even days. Although fixed wing airplanes are faster, helicopters may be used because of their ability to land in very confined spaces like forest clearings or gospital roofs.

4). Sleep
     Sleep is a temporary lapse of consciousness. During sleep, our central nervous system, breath, heart-bet, and muscle-tone are slowing down.
          Human sleep duration varies enormously. Babies sleep 18-20 hours a day, young children 12-14 hours, adults 7-9 hours, and older people 5-7 hours.
          Now, some people suffer from insomnia. These people cannot sleep easily. Insomnia is not an illness. It is a symptom of a sleeping disorder which can be caused by anxiety, depression, and exitement. It cannot be cured without getting rid of the problems which which cause it. But temporary, insomnia can be overcome by drinking chamomile tea.

5). Javelin-throwing
          Javelin is a long stick with a pointed end. The aim of javelin-throwing is to throw it at a great distance.
          Javelin-throwing is a sport which has benefited from modern technology. Earlier, javelins were made of heavy wood which made them vibrate in flight. In the 1950s, athletes began to use steel javelins. Today, most javelins are made of steel and a lighter metal called alumunium.
          Many factors effect the distance to which the athlete can throw the javelin. Among these are the speed and height at which it leaves the hand, the angle at which it is thrown, and its flight path.
          Modernn javelins are ‘distance-rated’. This means that different javelins are made to be thrown at different distances. So, you can use a javelin that is designed to travel roughly about the distance you expect to throw it.

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